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Design Services

AI presents IP challenge

Generative AI is drawing intense attention in the licensing industry, as it could cost-effectively generate vast amounts of IP content, but comes with a range of legal, privacy and security problems.
Information Techn...RoboticsAIDesignArt

Licensing Show creates cross-industry business opportunities

April welcomed the return of the HKTDC’s long-standing Hong Kong International Licensing Show (HKILS), which drew over 320 exhibitors and showcased an extensive array of more than 550 brands and licensing projects.

Hong Kong brands pop up in Paris

Curated by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels, the Hong Kong Pop-up Design à Paris pop-up shop attracted Parisian consumers, fashion journalists, trade buyers and bloggers alike.


DesignInspire – Interview with Local Brand mµse casa

19 April 2023



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