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China province-profile

Farsighted deal to counter myopia

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been at the forefront of addressing myopia, an eye disorder that affects one-third of the global population, with a novel non-invasive solution to control the development of myopia in children.

Renminbi role set for upgrade

The height and breadth of China’s advance across the world economic stage over the past five decades has been breath-taking, leaving traders and investors wondering where and how to step in.

Can-do Hong Kong expands

Ambitious people seeking a can-do city have streamed to Hong Kong for many years, making the city a magnet for talent. This talent magnet is now expanding more than 10 times in size and strength as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area opens up to world business.


GoGBA Development Day 2023

27 November 2023



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