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IP (Intellectural Property)

Licensing Show creates cross-industry business opportunities

April welcomed the return of the HKTDC’s long-standing Hong Kong International Licensing Show (HKILS), which drew over 320 exhibitors and showcased an extensive array of more than 550 brands and licensing projects.

HKTDC boosts entertainment industry collaboration

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council's (HKTDC) Hong Kong International Film and Television Market (FILMART) promoted cross-regional exchanges this year, including cooperation between the HKTDC and Thailand, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other regions. Key production houses also leveraged the event’s platform to establish connections with potential partners and customers in overseas markets.

Hong Kong innovator offers new Monopoly entertainment experience

The diverse intellectual property and licensing business in Hong Kong is integrated into many fields beyond information technology. Brand licensing helps owners develop creative products and services and brings new business opportunities.


BIP Asia 2022: IP Ecosystem Flourishes with Technology

23 February 2023



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