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APEC business leaders gather in Hong Kong

The second 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Meeting, led by ABAC Peru Chair Julia Torreblanca, held wide-ranging discussions on diverse business issues, from trade and investment facilitation to digital transformation and sustainability.
TradeSustainabilityESGGreen industry

Budget for business

Facing a business environment that has changed profoundly over the past few years, the Hong Kong SAR Government’s budget, recently announced by Financial Secretary Paul Chan, spotlights three newer sectors – innovation, sustainability and wellness, all of which are key growth drivers.

Green proptech firm looks to Middle East

Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) investing has moved into the mainstream and, at US$53 trillion, could account for one third of assets under management as soon as 2025, based on data from Bloomberg.

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