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AI presents IP challenge

Generative AI is drawing intense attention in the licensing industry, as it could cost-effectively generate vast amounts of IP content, but comes with a range of legal, privacy and security problems.
Information Techn...RoboticsAIDesignArt

GoGBA event helps businesses seize Qianhai opportunities

The development plan for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone announced by China’s National Development and Reform Commission at the end of last year aims to accelerate Hong Kong-Shenzhen cooperation and foster the development of diverse industries, including finance, professional services and legal affairs, to facilitate a wide array of new business opportunities.

Entrepreneurs on fast-track for GBA opportunities

The InnoClub integrated platform for SMEs, jointly run by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Hang Seng Bank, launched its Start-up GBA Study Tour programme last month.


Asia Summit on Global Health 2021

30 September 2021



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