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Book Fair

Book Fair returns to Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is organising the 34th edition of the HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair from 17 to 23 July, a popular summer event, which typically draws some one million Hong Kong residents and visitors of all ages.
Book FairBooks & Printed I...Marketing

Book bonanza draws crowd of 1 million from near and far

The seven-day annual festival of literature, the HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair, along with the Sports and Leisure Expo and World of Snacks, remained a fixture for many Hong Kong residents throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and returned in full force this year, with nearly one million visitors.

Summer brings family fun

For many years Hong Kong families have marked one date in high-summer on their calendars, that being a day in Book Fair week; and recently two more events – Sports and Leisure Expo and World of Snacks – have ensured that it is a triple mark.


Hong Kong Book Fair 2022- Cheng Po Hung

21 July 2022



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