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How to build up brands and customer experiences, as shopping moves more and more online.

A knowledge exchange and partnership building platform, eTailingPulse offers Asia’s marketers, agencies and e-commerce experts the latest market intelligence and a chance to learn best practices from industry leaders.

Participants can also build cross-sector connections and discover the latest customer experience innovations. The event stages inspirational talks from creative minds of leading brands and agencies, practical know-how workshops on digital strategies as well as vibrant networking opportunities to connect attendees with experts in Hong Kong and around the world.

Speakers will delve into a wide range of topics, including AI marketing, use of memes to build brands, tapping into the silver and Generation Alpha markets as well as circular marketing.

EtailingPulse will run on 13 March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council presents the HKTDC Pulse series comprising EntertainmentPulse, eTailingPulse and MarketingPulse. The series is designed to converge business executives from across the marketing, entertainment and e-commerce sectors to network, collaborate and create.

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