The third HKTDC Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), drew to a close last month. The expo was held concurrently with the seven-day HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair which attracted close to 1 million visitors in 2019, giving members of the public the chance to enjoy their favourite books and take part in various cultural events.Featuring more than 150 exhibitors showcasing a broad selection of sports and leisure products and services from over 160 brands, the expo offered visitors the chance to explore a broad range of activities after immersing themselves in the world of books.“We were very encouraged by the response to the latest Sports and Leisure Expo, which ran in parallel with the Book Fair for the whole seven days,” HKTDC Deputy Executive Director Benjamin Chau said when wrapping up the two shows. “There were plenty of free trials and interactive experiences offered by exhibitors, which were enthusiastically received and helped to create a vibrant atmosphere at the fairground."
Well attended

The Sports and Leisure Expo featured more than 150 exhibitors showcasing a broad selection of sports and leisure products and services from over 160 brands. On-site events organised by the HKTDC, as well as other free trials and interactive experiences offered by exhibitors, were enthusiastically received and sharing sessions by local star athletes were also well attended.The expo included about 60 on-site events displaying plenty of new sports and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) events, providing a fun summer pastime for adults and children.

There were 10 thematic zones at the expo − the Japan Pavilion, Board Games, Fun & Play, Photography World, Outdoor Adventure, Sports Hub, Health & Fitness, Handicraft Market, as well as the new STEM World and Taiwan Pavilion – with visitors exploring the zones that catered to their specific interests and some exhibitors offering free demonstrations or trials. The Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey set up a synthetic ice rink where visitors tried out ice hockey and ice skating with the help of a professional coach, while Verm City erected a 3.5-metre-tall climbing wall for visitors to experience the thrill of rock climbing. Energetic children took part in one-on-one matches on a mini soccer pitch sponsored by Pfizer, promoting the benefits of sports and good health, or rode on electric Mass Transit Railway (MTR) chess pieces as part of a gigantic board game set up by social enterprise People on Board. The expo also offered a wide array of on-site activities with free trials, including a Krav Maga workshop, freestyle football demonstration, Dodgebee trial, and photography and drone workshops.
STEM showcase

Technological advances are having a big impact on the daily lives of people of all ages. The new STEM World presented a range of innovative technology-focused products, including do-it-yourself robot and artificial intelligence (AI) kits, an augmented reality (AR) human body structure, and an app that helped visitors explore the world of dinosaurs. The expo also showcased a programmable drone and a first-person-view (FPV) drone giving visitors the chance to experience the latest technologies at first hand. Besides showcasing the latest STEM products, Hong Kong exhibitor STEM Plus collaborated with local schools to exhibit their STEM teaching achievements and highlight the talent of budding young innovators.The HKTDC invited a number of local star athletes to host sharing sessions during the expo. Among those talking about their achievements and the challenges faced during their athletic careers were Hong Kong footballer Edmond Yapp; Wong Ho-chung, Hong Kong’s first “4 Deserts Race Series” Grand Slam Champion; local figure skater Maisy Ma; renowned long-distance runner Chan Ka-ho; rising long-distance runner Natasha Wong; and former Hong Kong Sports Institute elite marathon runner JoeJoe Fan.The Japan National Tourism Organisation collaborated with 14 cities and prefectures to introduce Japanese culture, landmarks and leisure attractions at the Japan Pavilion. Under the theme “Reasons to Return to Japan”, the pavilion featured three zones that showcased the diversity and allure of Japanese culture. The KADOKAWA CORPORATION, one of Japan’s four largest publishers, introduced 88 Japanese Anime Spots (2019 edition) to help visitors appreciate some of the landmarks of Japan’s popular anime culture. New at the expo in 2019 was the Taiwan Pavilion, which introduced the attractions of various Taiwanese towns through interactive games and two cultural experience seminars.
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HKTDC Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo